
Terms & Privacy

Since 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection (EU) Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) entered into force. GDPR is a single regulation, directly applicable in all Member States of the European Union, and replaces Directive 95/46 / EC and, implicitly, the provisions of Law no. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data.

GREENGROUP COMPANIES apply a privacy and security policy on personal data in strict accordance with the GDPR and, as part of our commitment to respecting the rights of individuals whose personal data we process, we provide below relevant information on how, why and the legal basis we process your personal data, as well as the rights you receive and the way you can exercise those rights.

Why and how do we use personal data?

We collect your contact information (name, surname, phone number, e-mail address) to interact with you, for example, when receiving a request for plastic collection, a request for collaboration or responding to a collaboration request, receiving a resume etc.

Also, when you visit our site we can process information about the devices you use to access it and about your interaction with the site.

How long do we process your data?

We keep your personal data only for a period of 5 years or as required by applicable law. During this time, we ensure that your data is kept secure and, in case of security breaches, we will inform both the supervising authority (ANSPDCP) and the affected users within the legal timeframe (72 hours).

Who do we disclose your data to?

GREENGROUP COMPANIES does not sell, transfer, disclose, or allow access to your personal data to third parties not related to its activity. We may disclose your personal data to public authorities (the Prosecutor's Office, the Police, the courts and other authorized bodies of the state), on the basis and within the limits of the legal provisions and as a result of requests expressly made by them.

What rights do you have and how can you exercise them?

The entry into force of the GDPR will provide the following rights you can freely exercise:

  • Be informed, once a year, whether GREENGROUP COMPANIES does or does not process your personal data
  • Request correction of transmitted data, if it is incorrect or incomplete;
  • Prevent the processing of your data for legitimate reasons relating to your particular situation;
  • Ask for the deletion of your data, unless the law forbids deletion.

You may exercise the above-mentioned rights by sending an e-mail to the address protection[at] or at office[at]

To protect your personal data and your interests, we may request additional information for your identification.

Privacy of your data

When processing your data, we use technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality, availability and accuracy of your data.

We work continuously to ensure that our security measures are kept at the highest level and we commit ourselves to inform you in time of any security incidents that could pose a significant risk to your rights.

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